There seems to be a stigma often associated with cosmetic surgery procedures. Those who have never undergone cosmetic surgery may assume that people choose these procedures solely for the physical benefits. While the goal of any cosmetic procedure is to improve a particular aspect of one’s physical appearance, the most fulfilling benefit that these patients receive is the improvement in their self-esteem. Below we’ll be discussing the ways a cosmetic procedure can boost self-esteem.
Who experiences improved self-esteem?
The patients who experience the greatest improvements in self-esteem after a cosmetic procedure are those treated for noticeable birth defects or visible scars or deformity after a trauma. Even though such flaws are not the individual’s fault, society can be ruthless in making these individuals feel like outcasts. The social anxiety and psychological stress can be debilitating and create a very poor quality of life. For these patients, a cosmetic procedure can boost self-esteem and help them gain confidence.
In addition to helping those with visible deformities, a cosmetic procedure can boost self-esteem for patients who simply want to improve their appearance. In fact, results from a long-term study published in Clinical Psychological Science reports that patients demonstrated more enjoyment of life, higher satisfaction, and increased self-esteem after their physical appearance had been surgically altered. In this study, the researchers compared first-time surgery patients with people who had previously wanted cosmetic surgery and then decided against it. Compared to those who decided against surgery, the patients who chose to have a cosmetic procedure felt healthier, had less anxiety, and had developed more self-esteem.
The keyword in self-esteem is “self”
Undoubtedly, there are patients who undergo cosmetic surgery procedures but will not be happy with their results. We don’t mean to say that something went wrong during the surgery. Rather, the results are perfect from a clinical standpoint, yet the patient is still not satisfied with his or her appearance. This most often occurs when the patient chose the procedure for the benefit of someone else, such as a spouse, a family member, or even the approval of a boss or to compete with a co-worker. Choosing to have your body physically altered for someone other than yourself is not going to boost your self-esteem. Before committing to a cosmetic procedure, ensure that the goals and expectations you have are based on what you want your body to look like.
Schedule a consultation
Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jessica Krant in New York City offers a broad range of cosmetic services for men and women, including fillers and injectables, laser rejuvenation, skin tightening, body contouring, and many more. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Krant today to learn more about which cosmetic procedure can help boost your self-esteem and give you the results you’ve always wanted.
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